Directed by Patrick Osborne and produced at Nexus Studios using Unreal Engine, this coming-of-age adventure follows a time-jumping teen who is transported into moments of other people’s lives by songs played on a tape deck. At its heart, ‘This Tape Deck is a Time Machine’ is an impossible tale of friendship and love centred around soulmates born generations apart. The cast are a diverse group of misfits, inspired by Patrick’s friends throughout his adolescent years. This teaser is a taste of what’s to come. Patrick led a team of expert Real-Time artists and creators at Nexus Studios, who embraced the unique challenge of crafting the ‘Tape Deck’ world with a refined 2D aesthetic, created entirely in the Unreal Engine with no compositing. The team developed bespoke shading techniques to achieve the painterly and naturalistic quality, leveraging the visual potential of the engine to make high quality stylized animation.