Category Description

Explanatory or educational video for a cause, social initiative, public awareness effort or non-profit organization

Project Description

In human history, we’ve never streamed, zoomed, and scrolled more than right now. With 10 million metric tons of CO2 per year created by YouTube alone, it represents a rapidly growing energy footprint.

Cue ‘Earth Definition’, the new initiative from Hjaltelin Stahl, part of Accenture Interactive for Earth Day Network that shines a light on carbon emissions caused by online streaming. The initiative asks online video streamers to change their streaming settings from HD down to SD and save 75% of their streaming energy and carbon.

I drew inspiration from early 3D wireframe games like Combat Zone that I remember playing as a kid at our local arcade. I felt that giving the film a naive prototype line-art style would give viewers that sense of optimism you get when an idea is new. It’s the start of something, of asking less of our pixels for the sake of the planet.


Creative Agency: Hjaltelin Stahl, Part of Accenture Interactive
Director: Simon Robson
Voice: Michelle Monaghan
Additional animation: Mighty Nice Sydney

Creative Director: Darren Price
Head of Production: Tina Braham
Producer: Diana Angelius
Head of Studio: Jeremy Howdin
Design: Oliver Abbott
Model: Tessa Eden, Michael Shiao Chen
3D Animation: Duncan Maclaren, Michael Shiao Chen
2D Animation: Bonnie Forsyth, Max Wanniaratchy, Darcy Woodbridge
Light & Render: Trent Rogan
Composite: Gary Fouchy
Sound design & score: JSM New York
Special thanks: Squeak. E Clean Studios Melbourne